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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 7 days ago

Dog name to match my cats name, Boaty?

Hi all. I have a cat named Boaty. His name was the one the shelter gave him, and I thought it was too cute to change. I'm in the process of getting a husky puppy, and I wanted his name to match in a way with Boaty's! I was thinking Sailor, but that's my cousin's dog's name. Do you guys have any cute names like that?

Updated 6 days ago:

Jesus. Some of you are really weird. It's just a fun question. I'm not ******* waiting to see the dog's personality to name it, you sound stupid. Also, shut up. I'm not going to raise the dog to eat the ******* cat. I'm not ******* incompetent you old hag. Thank God this site is shutting down so you can find a life outside of you 46,000 answers. Weirdo. Anyway, thank you to everyone with the really cute names! Also, I won't change my cat's name or the spelling. Boaty is fine. He's 3 anyway.

18 Answers

  • I was going to suggest Captain or Floaty. Ocean would be good for blue eyes. I don't think bluebonnetgranny meant to be mean or rude, but what she said is true. They have a high prey drive, so training is important so it doesn't get rough with the cat. I have a Sheltie, and he has been raised around cats, and trained to lick newborn bottle baby foster kittens. But he gets SO excited I have to hold the kittens so he doesn't jump on them with his heavy feet and hurt them. He also hates birds, and goes crazy barking and lunging on the leash to go after them. It's his dna. He was bred to herd sheep, and his dna is telling him birds are dangerous because sheepdogs have to guard lambs from hawks, eagles, and vultures who swoop out of the sky and carry off little lambs. I have an adult cat named Lambie, and Lambie puts the dog in his place with a good smack across the face with his claws out if he gets too close, so Laddie just dances around Lambie. Laddie also barks at airplanes even though they are very high up, because he thinks they are giant birds.

    Huskies are cute. But, they also are a handful. They BARK. They also SHED a LOT. They are one of those dogs who have a lot of energy, and require a lot of exercise. Just turning them loose in a fenced yard doesn't cut it, they will bark from boredom. They need a job, so lots of ball chasing and frisbee. Their high prey drive means they will go after smaller animals and birds. They tend to think they are the boss, so you have to establish alpha status so they will obey you. Plan on puppy obedience classes right away, and continue with advanced classes. Petco offers training classes, and it can be a fun bonding experience and exercise activity for you and the pup.

  • 6 days ago

    How about Codi. 

  • 6 days ago

    i can help . 

    here are some names that goes well with boaty .can be a female and male names 




















  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    No, I name a dog based on personality.  For example, a very protective dog named Fluffy is ludicrous.

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  • 6 days ago

    Captain, Mate, Buddy,

    Raise that Husky right so it won't grow up & kill the cat,  they are known to have a high prey drive.  You may be biting off more than you can chew by getting a Husky.  They need an experienced, stern owner, not a dog for a first time dog owner.  They can be a challenge to the most experienced.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

     skipper or skip

  • 6 days ago


    We had a teacher at school called Mr Boat. Seriously!

    We called him 'Paddles'. lol

    Or how about 'Rowya'? As in row, row, Rowya 'Boat(y)'....! 

  • 6 days ago

    Shippy, its a bigger boaty.

  • OTTO
    Lv 6
    7 days ago


  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Oarin' -- a wordplay off the name Orrin and your cat's name Boaty. 

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