Where is the dividing line between "strong and confident" and "egotistical jerk"?
I wants to walk that line.
I wants to walk that line.
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I'm pretty sure it has something to do with how many unnatural highlights you have in your hair.
0 = Strong and Confident
more than 0 = Egotistical Jerk
Black Snow Hates Yahoo
the dividing line is in the medication you take
1. Strong and confident = the occasional Tylenol or Advil
2. egotistical jerk= medications for schizophrenia or delusions of grandeur
You can be stong and confident and still be a jerk at the same time.. convincing SOB.. that would rather jerk you around and still appear the night in shining armour.. That line is TRUST... if you dont have trust you are no more a strong and confident person.. I draw the line.. and i fell into the burning ring of fire..
the line is clearly drawn
strong and confident is nothing to be ashamed of obviously
however if one was to go around BROADCASTING IT, that is when the strong and confident BECOME AN EGOTISTICAL JERK. That is when one should be ASHAMED.
strong: not easily disturbed or upset , showing determination, self-control, and good judgment
confident: feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured
egotistical: the practice of talking and thinking about oneself excessively because of an undue sense of self-importance
jerk: contemptibly obnoxious person.
{contemptibly:deserving contempt; despicable}
{ oboxious: extremely unpleasant.}
i thenk havin' confidence is beliving in urself, an liekin ur self an havin lots of motivation. i thenk bein an egotistical jerk is u have a sense of self inportance that makes u feel liek ur better than other people. i think they are similar in that both people will appear to have a high confidence in themself, but they are completelee differnt, an the egotistical one relies on gettin his self esteem an confidence from being "better" than other people, while the confident person gets their self esteem from the knowlege of their own abilitys an their trust in them ♥