How come Hillary camp has not yet paid for service they got in Ohio!?

It has been reported that some people who rendered promotional service to the Hillary camp in Ohio have not yet been paid! It seems the camp has gone or is going bankrupt just like Hillary going mentally blank - maybe affected by the sub-prime mortage crisis! Is it democracy or bankruptcy the camp is promoting? Whereas, Obama camp is reportedly pretty prompt in settling all bills!


This was reported this morning on BBC World Service and the guy whom Hillary camp owes was also interviewed. He said if he didn't get the bill settled promptly, he won't be able to remain in business!

John B2008-04-02T06:46:06Z

Favorite Answer

Anything to be elected, just not responsibility, authenticity, or honesty...


Yes I noticed yesterday, that was the best the media could come up with. Besides still dragging on the Bosnia story. What I would like to know is, when she uses the bathroom. Does she wipe forward or backward, I would bet backwards, and that would prove her dishonesty and that she would do anything to win Obama needs to throw a little hope and change her way


Hillary and Obama are both socialist/communists, a philosophical (?) system where it is beleived that the Government has the right to loot all property in the name of "the people". (subdued snickering, low laughter(we all know that by "the people", they mean "whoever is in power in the government")) Obama, being a bright young pillagement facilitator, has chosen to delay his looting untill he has already stolen the election, Hillary is choosing to start her looting early. Glad to clear things up for everybody.

That Marvelous Ape2008-04-02T06:40:41Z

The Clinton campaign failed to mention that the majority of the money they have been raising cannot be spent on the Primaries, since there is a $2300 limit per donor for the primary race.

They are not paying their bills because it would be illegal, and they are not getting enough new donors to cover the gap.



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