did you hear why Al Gore is banned from spewing his lies about global warming in the UK?

They found that his book "An Inconvenient Truth" is so riddled with lies and falsehoods that any public speaking on that basis is legally -- legally, mind you -- deemed to be promulgating a false prospectus and would be criminally punishable under UK law.

What does the liberal environmentalist fringe think about that given the fact that global warming is scientifically proven to have stopped in 1998 and for the last decade worldwide temps have dropped almost one degree?


Do your own homework lib trolls
Simply google "Al Gore, global warming, false prospectus, UK" it's all there.


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being doom and gloomers are in their nature, it helps them politically. its their strategy when a republican president is in the white house to paint them as unconcerned with the health of the planet.. if they get elected, then the global warming tide has slowed to a crawl etc... the truth is that the arctic is colder than it has ever been.. the major ice berg last week that broke off and is the size of conneticutt, broke off because of water currents and not warming of the ice caps.. but shssssss... dont tell that to the media... they already know...


"What does the liberal environmentalist fringe think about that given the fact that global warming is scientifically proven to have stopped in 1998 and for the last decade worldwide temps have dropped almost one degree?"

Interesting, so this data from NASA is false?


I am not surprised if Al Gore's book is full of scientific falsehoods, he is not a scientist. I don't listen to him, I listen to the climatologists. Who do you listen to? Rush?


He was also plugging his "carbon credit trading" hedge fund based also in the UK? You can't mix the two in GB? If carbon credits are adopted as a means of exchange to "solve" global warming, will Al become a gazzilionare?


Unless there has been some current news I missed, that's not true.

[The school governor who challenged the screening of Al Gore's climate change documentary in secondary schools was funded by a Scottish quarrying magnate who established a controversial lobbying group to attack environmentalists' claims about global warming....A High Court ruling last week that the Oscar-winning documentary would have to be screened with guidance notes to balance its claims was welcomed by climate-change sceptics...The Observer has established that Dimmock's case was supported by a powerful network of business interests with close links to the fuel and mining lobbies.]

Now, if you've seen "An Inconvenient Truth" you know exactly what they (the business lobbies) are doing. They are trying to confuse the public about the science of global warming and introduce a pretense of skepticism just as it was used to muddy the science on the cancer-causing properties of cigarettes. It's solely to protect their profit margins from regulations designed to save the world from the negative externalities of their business activities.


Who cares if Al Gore is wrong . The first rule of the universe is that you don't crap where you eat. So I don't get why any sane person would not be an environmentalist

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