what do you think about Vatican City why is it so secretive?

what do you think happens there do you think its actually religious


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The Vatican is just following a very long tradition of exclusivity which began with the idea that ordinary people didn't have the intellectual capacity to understand the complexities of Church Law.
There was some justification for this opinion when it began because most people were not schooled. Most of the people who could read or write were priests.
The Church handed down decisions on behavior and law and disseminated those decisions from the pulpit.
They didn't ask for nor did they care for the opinions of the common people.
Most of their deliberations were held in secret, by leaders, and handed down to the people.
This was not a democracy. It was an Autocracy and it still is.
The Pope makes the decisions and they are final, at least until the next Pope.
The college of Cardinals can voice their opinions, but the Pope doesn't have to abide by them.

senior citizen2008-04-05T15:32:50Z

Evidently you don't know much about the Vatican City. Have you ever been there?

There is nothing "secretive" about it or the Catholic Church at all. Visitors are welcomed everywhere, and at no cost, in the Vatican City. Security is limited to what is necessary to protect the Pope and others from attacks (like Ali Agca's attempt to kill Pope John Paul II in the Vatican Square), and to protect the buildings and medieval works of art in the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican museum. The Swiss Guards carry ceremonial, medieval halberds, not firearms (but you still would be smart not to mess with them. They're all BIG).

You will see a good number of visiting priests and nuns, and other visitors of all faiths. The Cathedral is a regular church which conducts services the same as any other. Again, ALL are welcome. The Vatican is a "MUST SEE" if you ever visit Rome, regardless of your own faith.

If you live near or ever visit St. Louis MO, make it a point to visit both the "New" Cathedral (100 years old) on Lindell Boulevard, and the historic "Old" Cathedral, adjacent to the "Arch" and the National Park on the riverfront. Both Cathedrals have regular services and, like all Catholic churches, visitors of all faiths are always welcome. Both offer free tours. The Old Cathedral is beautifully maintained and is a favorite for local weddings. The New Cathedral is also beautiful, with the largest collection of Byzantine mosaic tile decoration in the western hemisphere, covering the walls and ceilings. Those took a century to complete. Some were lost when the ship "Lusitania" was torpedoed in WW1.

The New Cathedral offers many musical programs during the evening hours. One of our favorite groups there is a large choir from the local Second Presbyterian Church.


It isnt that secretive. They have a huge library full of rare books and art as well as newer Catholic books. You go in there and you see priests in there for hours doing research.

There is also daily mass and other church services. A radio station, newspaper, gas station(The gas station is really busy because the gas is cheaper than in Italy because its tax free) and a bank. The bank is probably the most secretive place.

There is also a cafe and some museums


I think it's so secretive because they want their followers to believe that something devine is really going on...Devine mysteries...so on & so forth.
Also the Vatican is a political organization more so that a religious one in my opinion.
They do not want you to know what kind of political moves they are conducting...


Vatican city is really very weird ... the place itself isnt holly the pope acting like a ****** and they act as if it is the best place on earth

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