I agree that there's an underlying problem that's fueling your anger. I've thought of the obvious but I'd rather not say, because that should be your job. You're so smart that if you really put your mind to it, you could figure it out, and what a relief that would be; you'd have a whole new life then. I suggest that you start a journal, that is writing down all your frustrations, etc. Keep at it, and you'll start to develop insights into what's causing you so much anguish. I believe you're an exceptional person, and that your drive will take you very far in life, but first you have to deal with something that you've been stuffing down deep inside of you. I wish you all the best.
See the difference....lol.....hey I'm a 20 year old pre-med student....I want to be a heart or plastic surgeon.....so thats about another 15 years of school training before I can even start up a practice.........HOW DO YOU THINK I MAKE IT THROUGH THE LONG HOURS OF STUDYING AND FACT OF REMAINING IN SCHOOL/TRAINING FOR HALF MY LIFE!!!!????