why do people who love you hurt you the most?

general question, thats how it seems to me.

why does it happen like that? and why do they not even seem to care that they have hurt you?


Favorite Answer

It hurts the most, basically because u don't expect them to hurt you and also because they matter to you. If they seem they don't care, its probably a front, because they are just confused to what they want. They themselves have no earthly clue as to what they want. Hope things get better for you!! :)

James K2008-04-06T20:39:49Z

The people that love will tell you the truth and the truth really hurts sometimes. Say, you were going out for a date and look Awful!!! Would you really want to known? Well if you really liked this guy or girl I think you would be completely embarrassed after you got home and realized that you looked like a slob, then yes I think you would want to know the truth. You can apply this example to any situation in life like this it's a simple example to the really hard truths out there but it still works. At first you may be hurt by someone saying you like awful, but you want to know the truth before you turn the guy or girl away right!


Courtney Love


It's because people who love you, and who you love back, you get AFFECTED by the most because theres alot of feeling involved.

Strangers don't hurt as much because you can really care less about them.

And it's not really that the loved ones are HURTING you the most, theyre probably hurting you just as much as any other person would, but the fact that you LOVE them, makes it hurt more .


I think that this is because you give them the right to hurt you just because you value them so much.

Think of yourself enclosed by circles, with you being at the center. People who you value the most belong to the inner circle, the one closest to you. People who don't mean anything (strangers) belong to the biggest circle, and are thus, the farthest from you.

Ask yourself this, would you be hurt if a stranger randomly tells you something nasty or would you be more hurt if that person calling you names is your bestfriend? Those whom you love are the closest to you, thereby, giving them the capacity to hurt you...sometimes unknowingly and sometimes, at will. Maybe they just don't know that they hurt you because they didn't know they were important enough to you to have caused you such pain.

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