Does any one have any info on making your own diesel fuel from sunflower seeds??

That is something else I have spent all day looking for. I read an artical about a farmer that was powering all his machines and trucks from sunflower oil and I can't find that.
I stay on alot but dang it, the site is down today and that's where all the info is that I can find.
Thanks for any help


subst99, I don't have a lot of machinery but I do have 20 acres of land that I can't afford to buy fuel to grow much on because of the cost of fuel.
I have a riding mower that I took the mowing deck off off and put tractor tires on it but it drinks gas like it's made of water. Two acres of sunflower seeds is supposed to have about 150 gallons of oil and what's left over I can give to the chickens for feed.
I can build a press to extract the oil fairly cheap and a small diesel engine is less than a thousand bucks. So why send the money over seas???????
We are going to see 5 buck a gallon for gas pretty fast anyway. So the 2 acres of land will be about $750 a year I can spend right here.


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I guess you'd need a lot of machinery to refine oil, if you only have the seeds and have to start the whole process from scratch.
People in Germany who have their Diesel cars refitted in order to drive with 100% sunflower (or other plant-based) oils, usually collect old fryer oil from burger restaurants for that purpose - that one only needs to be run through a filter and is ready for use.


I hadn't heard of it done with sunflowers yet, but I'll take your word for it. I know that it has been done with flack-seeds, and with soybeans. Try searching for information on bio-diesel.


my grandfather uses cooking oil , im not kidding and his truck runs just fine