Car mechanic prices: what would it cost to align headlights?

My headlights on my 1996 chevy cavalier aren't aligned properly (I bought it used and it's been that way since I got it). In the US, what would you expect a mechanic to charge you to re-align them?


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30.00 about 20 min work


I wouldn't pay anything.

It's very very easy, and normally only takes a screwdriver.

The exception is if your car is or was wrecked. If something else in the front end is bent, it may not be possible to aim the lights correctly using only the factory adjuster. It has a limited range of movement.

If you have a friend, a normal mechanic, or even a dealership you take it to, I would just mention it. They will probably tweak it straight for you for free.


Not more than $20-30 if no parts are needed.

ORDER 662008-04-09T01:24:12Z

They will go by a flat hourly labor rate...So ask what it is...It should be about half the rate as this job would only take around 20-30 mins. (As long as no parts are needed).


Take it to a station that does yearly inspections and they will do it for you.

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