Would you still hit the "Report It" button if the information was made public for all to see?

No more hiding in the shadows and having people terminated for senseless reasons. One the screen with all of the other points and stars information, would be another section that lists all of the questions that you hit the button on. The person you reported would be sent an email as to exactly who reported them and why. I think it time to level the playing field. Make it a fair fight.


Pickles, everyone who answers get a TU from me. I just offset the trolls TD you got.

Katie T ♥Sexymum2♥2008-04-10T06:50:13Z

Favorite Answer



I never report people, but my best friend has been reported like 3 times(by the same person) just because they didn't like her.
How rude!
But I'm a good girl, so I don't report people(It's just the way they are)

And I do think reporting should be made public for everyone to see.
It's a fight to see who's good and who's evil!!!

J K (Semper Fi) Beer is good!!!2008-04-10T06:57:07Z

Yep!!!! "Report it" is meant to protect people from vicious and possibly harmful things by others, not to mention that there are minors who sometimes get on here and could be hurt by somebody. Internet stalking is a serious thing and needs to be reported whenever it is found. There are safeguards in place for people to defend being terminated for no reason or for senseless reasons, you just have to use them.

Oenophile... (Lynn)2008-04-10T13:11:11Z

I'll have to agree with you there Client. At least it might make people think twice before they do "Report".
I just don't get it. I too have never reported or even given a thumbs down. If something isn't to my liking, I just move on to something else. I guess there are just some people that aren't happy unless their little devious pea-brains causes them to be spiteful and malicious.
Such a waste of time and effort.

Genuine Lady2008-04-10T06:55:26Z

Why? Did you get reported? Sounds like you did and maybe still a little "bothered" by it. I mean why do you even need to know who reports you? What's the purpose and what do you plan on doing when you find out who it was that reported you. E-Mail them LMFAO it's not that deep. I can understand if you did nothing to deserve then Yahoo needs to do I guess some sort of "investigation" before booting you.

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