I want to know how to drain all transmission fluid from my suburban?

2002 chevrolet suburban 2wheel drive


Favorite Answer

both answers are wrong you can remove all tranny fluid with a power flush garantee it will remove all fluid cal av dealer or small shop and ask them i bet they say yes thanks for the incopated answers we get more business


His Question was how to DRAIN the fluid. The first answers are CORRECT. Warning, the "FLUSH" usually does not include the filter, which is extra charge and stupid to not replace.
The Flush does, if properly done, does change all the fluid, but regular changes will be just as good and cheaper.
Long term and if you have the pan off, install a B&M drain plug and you won't get drowned!
Good Luck


U can't unless the torque converter has been drilled & a plug installed - Usally only Fords have there converters drilled - unless the transmission has been out b a & someone has drill it. All u can do , if not drilled is drop the pan & change the fluid in the pan & change the filter & gasket..


marvin is correct. however there is very little left if you flush and fill like at valvoline or somewhere like that! the pump works very well to replace most of the tranny fluid!