OB visit needed but doctors are refusing care?

I'm about 8 or 9 weeks pregnant and have not actually had a prenatal visit. I'm currently traveling for the next month and a half and need to get a doctor's visit but every doctor I have tried has refused care because I only need one visit. Why is this? Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you get around it?


I know that you need more than one visit, I'm staying at my parents while my husband is taking some leave from the military before we move to our next duty station.

It's not worth the 14 hour drive back to North Carolina to go to my old doctor and we're moving to Hawaii so I can't really pop over there either.


I know that you need more than one visit, I'm staying at my parents while my husband is taking some leave from the military before we move to our next duty station.

It's not worth the 14 hour drive back to North Carolina to go to my old doctor and we're moving to Hawaii so I can't really pop over there either.


I'll only be in this area for one visit and that's all my insurance will authorize for seeing a civilian provider (military insurance so I'm usually seen at a military hospital).


No there aren't any MTF's near here, that's why I had to get the referral to a civilian doc in the first place.


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What about when you return from traveling you wont want to return to the same Doctor?


OB's aren't going to see you for a single visit. Consider calling a Family Practice Doctor. You don't need all the tests many women get at their first prenatal, but you do need to be screened for STDs. Otherwise, there really is no reason for you to be seen until after you finish traveling unless you are taking some kind of meds. Talk to the doc about the AFP test, but I think you are traveling during the period that they actually test for that.


What ever happened to the respectable Dr that was in it to help people? I guess those days are long gone. That's so sad.

Just don't tell them you only need 1 visit. Ask around, find a good one and just go. It's not really any of their business that you need to travel. A Dr's time is no more important than yours. Contrary to popular belief they're flesh and blood just as you are, not gods. If you could help it you'd stick with one doc but you can't so it's wrong of them to treat you and your baby like a nuisance. You shouldn't have to beg them.

Hmmm, sorry to sound so hormonal but I'm so tired of some Drs and their garbage.

When you find a permanent Dr, have them send over your records.

Good luck hun.


Just don't tell them that you are a one time patient. Make an appointment as a new patient and go in for your check up. Once they've seen you for your initial visit the next one is scheduled for 4 weeks later and maybe by then you'll be back. If not you can call when you return and reschedule. Or if you have concerns about your travel then just mention it......but tell them that you'll be back and would like to schedule your next app. for when you return. Happy and Safe traveling to you!

blessed mommy2008-04-15T15:27:29Z

Yea that's true. Most doctors won't just see you for one visit. You're going to either have to travel back home for a couple of days or just wait until you get back. Which I would suggest trying to travel back home if at all possible. That's a long time to go without care in case something goes wrong. I don't think there's any way to get around it.

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