Was I too nice?
I had a friend who came out to stay with me while my husband is deployed. I let her come out with no money, stay at my house for free, and told her I expected her to look for a job and then I also asked her if she would mind watching my children while I went to school at night. She agreed and I also told her if it got to be overwhelming then to tell me so that I could fnd a sitter. I also gave her a cell phone to use to stay in contact with her family. I also told her she was free to leave at anytime as long as she could pay for it. Yesterday she called me and said she needed to go home. I was like okay when you get paid on Monday she could leave. She then got more upset and proceeded to throw her fit and made me feel guilty so I bought her a bus ticket home. Now I find out she has made up her mind to go home weeks ago and wasn't going to tell me. I feel like she used me for a free vacation and a free ride home. Was I too nice or giving to her?