Bush is putting forth a program to slow global warming - - - -?
Are the righties/repubs/cons now admitting that global warming is a reality???
Are the righties/repubs/cons now admitting that global warming is a reality???
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Do we have to talk about Bush ? Leaves a bad taste in the mouth, he's just a clown, pointing all the missiles at Russia and at the same time tells the world that he and Putin are personal friends. What became of his surge ? Confucious said "Nothing ever good comes out of as.s".
I'm not sure, but at least they're acknowledging that there may be a problem! But, one thing is certain....bush's plan will be to little! He is not requiring the kind of changes that are going to make a worthwhie impact, and he's giving us till 2020 to do them...We should be setting the bar higher on reducing factory emissions and fuel consumption and increasing renewable energy as well as a number of other major concerns, and then strive to reach them in the next 7 years at most (2015). Instead, he's set this really low bar that is very attainable so that by 2020 we can say that we reached them. Of course in the big scheme of things it's like trying to plug a quarter-sized hole in a bucket with toothpicks...
MP US Army
Not man made global warming, because that is a lie.
Al Gore didn't invent the Internet, but he did make up global warming.
A group of scientists has demanded of the United Nations global warming panel that they provide some observable proof that carbon dioxide actually contributes to global warming. Now that sounds a bit odd, doesn't it? You probably thought that this had already been proven? Well, actually it hasn't. All the alarmists have is computer models – and these computer models are no better than the data you plug into them. There is no observable evidence that carbon dioxide emissions lead to global warming ... that would be why these scientists are being ignored.
His plan is an absolute sham, most (if not all) environmental organizations would agree with this.
We cannot possibly believe a word that comes out of an administration that has actually threatened its own scientists to edit and mangle environmental and scientific reports to suit their own purposes.
Jeffrey B
Since when is Bush a Republican?
Anyway, yeah, he wants to halt the growth of greenhouse gases by 2025, and then start lowering them.
I think he calls it "climate change", though, so don't get your hopes up.