History (Civil War) homework help?

Okay here is what I am writing a paper on. What is in quotations is what I am having an issue with. Maybe ya'll can help me figure out exactly what my teacher is asking-

>>>>Examine the strengths and weaknesses (both civilian and military) of the North and South as they face eachother in 1861.

"What did the South have to do to accomplish its goal? Why didn't the South accomplish it?"<<<<

What was their goal? Of course-secession and continue slavery...but that doesn't really make sense to what she is asking. Any ideas? I am taking this class online and I can't get a hold of my teacher-ever!



Favorite Answer

Their goal was to get other countries on their side. They needed to hold back cotton to do this. They thought that if they stopped sending cotton to England and France, that those countries would ally with them to get more cotton. They didn't succeed, though, because there was a surlpus of cotton in Europe, and in 1861, they didn't need any more from the South. Also, they just wanted to defend themselves.

P.S. I don't know if any of this is right. I'm only in junior high, but we just had a test over this. Hope it helps!