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please! explain to me why the Vikings won't win the Super Bowl, without mentioning T-Jack or Chilly. Betcha can't!

(wait.....don't even say they can't overcome those two either, even though T-Jack is QB)

remember Dilfer?


Favorite Answer

1. no QB
2. no WR
3. no RB


The difference between Tarvaris Jackson and Trent Dilfer is that Dilfer was the kind of QB who couldn't really win you a game, but he also wouldn't lose the game for you. Tarvaris Jackson actively loses games for the Vikings, he's not the kind of QB that can always make the smart play and take care of the ball.


The other powers in the NFC. Dallas' big o-line may be enough to handle the big Williams boys, and the Viks prob wont have an answer for T.O.
And even if Aaron Rodgers doesnt work out for Green Bay (but he will), dont forget Ryan Grant had a huge day vs the vikings last year and broke their sub-100 yd rushers streak.
Btw i like the Vikings, I'm just answering your question


They have no elite WR. Berrian is a #2 WR on any other team. Not to mention JACKSON cant throw to him. And they have to get through the Packers first.


They are still suffering the burnout from the Love Boat.

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