Do you consider yourself a nosy person?

If you do, how so?


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Oh very. My neighbor and I are always calling each other to see if we missed anything in our hood. Like we know who has what cars and who visits. Who is married, who isn't ..who is dating who. If any strange cars are at someones house while the husband or wife are gone. What their children are into or who's name is in the paper for what...crime, married,.divorce, hospital, baby...small town and everything is in the newspaper.


Honestly, I think we all are nosy.. It just depends on how nosy we are... I am nosy in wanting to know what is going on with work, coworkers but not as much as friends or family... Odd?


No. Nosy people get on my nerves. They are so involved with what's happening in other people's lives they can't see what's going on in their own. Nosy people are a blemish to society. And they are very insecure.


i am deaf and can't hear people talking so i have to be nosy sometime and to get know more better.
nosy is part of education.


Yes i consider myself nosey. For instance i was working the other day and there was a crash up the top of the town. i really wanted to know wat was going on so i rang a friend that was working at that side of the town to tell me..
i think we are all nosey

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