Meaning of the lyrics from Plateau by Nirvana (Meat Puppets)?

Hey I was wondering what the significance or meaning behind the lyrics in Nirvana (Meat puppets at the time) were.


Favorite Answer

Nirvana covered Plateau - I wasn't sure in your question if you thought Nirvana used to be called Meat Puppets? Two totally separate bands & Kurt was a huge fan of MP's.

As far as meaning - this song is hard to interpret, some people think it's about drugs, others believe it's about trying to reach a goal.


Meat Puppets Plateau


Plateau Lyrics


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Meaning of the lyrics from Plateau by Nirvana (Meat Puppets)?
Hey I was wondering what the significance or meaning behind the lyrics in Nirvana (Meat puppets at the time) were.


Plateau Nirvana Lyrics

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