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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicLyrics · 4 days ago

Is it weird to like a song if the song lyrics aren't part of your life experience?

3 Answers

  • 3 days ago

    No, that isn't weird at all.

  • 4 days ago

    No, not at all, and if I'm being honest, sometimes I don't even catch all the lyrics or fully comprehend what the song is about (there are multiple interpretations, too), but I just really like how the song sounds. But I'd imagine that when the lyrics match up with what you're going through in life, then it's also a good feeling. Since people can interpret one song several different ways, you can make the song relate to your life somehow (feelings, problems, hopes). Also sometimes you hear a certain song somewhere that makes you think back to that special place every time you hear that song. So that's another connection!

  • 4 days ago

    Not in the slightest.

    I've never skydived, but "High Speed Dirt" by Megadeth is a favorite of mine.


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