Do you know the name of this children's book?

It used to be one of my favorites and I can't remember the title. It was about a large family and the dad is a mason or something. The children are left alone one day and decide to make bread. They all add a handful of this and that and it results in a bread that is so huge it comes out of the windows of their house. They fear that their father will be mad when he gets home from a long day at work and so they hide. The father arrives home surprised and tired. He tastes the bread and laughs, it is the best bread ever. People come from all over to buy the bread.
Can you please help me if you know the title and maybe even the author? Thank you.


Favorite Answer

You're thinking of "Bembelman's Bakery" by Melinda Green -- I used to LOVE reading this book!!!


this site identified children's books. they do a great job at finding books when given very little information.