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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 9 hours ago

Is transgenderism a disgusting trend?

A decade or two ago you hardly ever heard of them. Now they're everywhere, on our streets, on TV, in the news, etc, etc. Even schools. Every one seems to have at least one transgendered child, which in itself used to be all but unheard of.

8 Answers

  • 4 hours ago


    But transphobia certainly is.

  • Anonymous
    4 hours ago

    no you mong. it's become more accepted so of course you're gonna see more transgender people now

  • Jo
    Lv 5
    7 hours ago

    It's not a trend, and it's not disgusting. It's existed for a long time, and will exist far beyond you and your bigotry. In the grand scheme of things, prejudice against transgender people is the disgusting trend.

  • Anonymous
    7 hours ago

    1. Just because you hardly heard of them a few years ago doesn't mean that they didn't exist. 

    2. LGBT aren't going anywhere or going to be shoved back into the closet just because of homophobic people like you 

    Source(s): You are a homophobic piece of crap 💩
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  • Anonymous
    8 hours ago

    Wasn't Magnus Hirschfeld (German Sexologist) coin the words 'transvestites and transsexuals' 100 years ago - which annoyed a certain leader later on. Never mind your 'a decade ago' wail. Remember trips to Amsterdam or even Hamburg in the mid seventies? No - I guess not. How old will you be - 40, maybe?

  • 8 hours ago

    Yes, the trend of children deciding they're the opposite sex and middle-aged males who have been married for years "coming out" as trans is 100% the result of this degenerate culture we live in. I'm only 30 and rarely ever heard of transgenders growing up.

    These people who are not intersex people, which is a birth defect, they're people with severe personality disorders or people whose minds have been warped by porn.

    It's another culture war W for the left. In a few years, I'm sure the Tories and Republicans will be fielding political candidates who are transgendered, neoliberal freemarket worshippers and libertarians who will be accusing the left of being the "real transphobes", just like they now accuse them of being the "real racists." The centre-right is a total joke.

  • 9 hours ago

    It's not a trend. There've ever been transgenders; however, they weren't allowed to exist in public, but they are today. That's the difference. Today's way better than yesterday, for everyone. 

  • 9 hours ago

    Totally disgusting, and unnatural.

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