Aren't women more "liberated" than men?
It amazes me how women are always talking about how women need to be "liberated", and how men supposedly have it so easy and free. But I digress; I feel that men are more "trapped" by the system more than women, and have less leeway than women. I determine who is more "liberated" by who has more "choice". Let's take a look, shall we?
Feelings - Women are allowed to express their emotions. Or, they have the choice to be stoic like men and show little emotion. Men are only supposed to be stoic.
Fashion - Women have a wider range of clothing options. Not only do women wear everything women wear, but they wear everything men wear as well. If a man becomes too "creative" in his clothing and starts color-coordinating his styles with his fashion, people will start to question how much of a "man" he is or even question his sexuality. I don't see the correlation. Maybe he just likes to dress nice?
And don't get me started on if tries to venture into wearing women's clothes, in the way women wear men's clothes. He will be gawked at and ridiculed, and his mental state will be questioned.
Alcoholic drinks - A woman can drink whiskey and beer, or she can have her strawberry-pineapple wine cooler or her Cosmopolitan. If a man is caught drinking those fruity alcoholic drinks. I've had those fruity alcoholic drinks by the way. They're good. Why is it that it's perfectly okay for me to drink a strawberry drink, smoothie, or shake -- but the minute alcohol is mixed with it, I'm considered a homo?
Sexual Orientation - Women are free to be homosexuals with very little ridicule. Granted, there is still some taboo about being a lesbian, in comparison to a woman that is straight. In fact, within the last 10 years, men & women have applauded lesbianism and encouraged it in the mainstream media. But how about a guy coming out of the closet? He has to face a heavy social stigma.
It's getting better for gay males though -- he can be more open about it than he did 20, 30, and 40 years ago (and before).
Career - A woman's societal pressures differ from men, but she has more "choices" when it comes to career choices. A woman can either choose pursue a carreer, or rely on some man to "sweep her off her feet" as he does all the work. A male can't rely on a woman to come and "rescue" him because women just don't do that. And a male will get ridiculed by his peers if she's the one providing and he's some kind of "stay-at-home dad".
If anyone has other points to add, feel free.
So why are we so concerned with pushing "women's liberation", when men are more entrapped by societal boundaries, much more than women?
The only area I can think of where men have more "freedom of expression" than women is in the sex area. Women are told to pretend they don't like sex or want sex and to not brag about any sexual encountered. They are to be shamed.
Men are encouraged to have as much sex as possible, be as creative with sex as possible, and brag about their sexual encounters among their peers.
Lizard: Well, little boys have more freedom to express their emotions the younger they are. It's acceptable for little boys to cry, etc. I would cry as a child, and no one would think much. They'd just say "oh, he's a little boy, that's understandable". Boys have as much as emotional freedom as girls up until about the onset of puberty.
666666z: Society makes these rules. And both men and women enforce them. I've had women ridicule me because I decided to wear nice clothes, calling me a "metro". I've had women ridicule me because I didn't try to follow the societal expectations of men. I tend to choose my own path; what makes me feel good.
Connect Now: You mad? Inaccurate assesment on your part. Many women are unaware of men's oppression as well -- that's why they continue to male-bash and preach feminism and "liberation". If women were aware of how men are oppressed and trapped & pressured by gender expectations, they'd most likely "tone it down" on their unrelenting attacks on boyhood and manhood. And "women's liberation" is not an outdated term. It still applies today since women still feel they are oppressed.
ivanaterrible: That "wage gap" thing is a huge myth spewed by women, and I'm tired of hearing about it. If you and I apply for the same position at McDonalds, and we get the job and work the same hours, you and I will be paid exactly the same. Those statistics are based on the fact that men get paid more ON AVERAGE than women because there are more men in higher positions, and men get promoted faster on average. Women on average are also more likely to take more time off work, to use up sick days, etc... due to everything from periods, OB/GYN visits, pregnancies, and little minor "girly" complaints about minor ailments.
Fereshte: Calling me "sexist" for stating a fact makes no sense. Women DO take more time off from work than men on average. Women DO make more hospital visits than men. And this makes women less likely to be promoted at their job. You want the evidence?
I'll go ahead and accept your apology in advance for calling me a sexist, now that I've provided proof that I was merely stating a fact.