Should YA remove "chatting" as a reason for violations?

I mean we all ask qs to get "peoples" point of view..... so in a way we are asking and responding to them.... isn't that chatting?

I just received another violation and i ve noticed that most of the other qs i answered today were also removed, so i have to assume a lot of us got "chatting".

Please answer this " If i want to talk to Egyptians and ask them certain qs, how should i phrase it"...... (law 3ayez akalem sha3eb masr... akalem meen ??? ........ Ezz El Deen Aybak??)" This is Gehad speaking btw?!! LOL


Favorite Answer

That happened to me too for one of my questions. I think three reasons are the culprits:

a) people reporting it as such, but this is the least common I think

b) they don't like to see too many additional details that are addressed to users, eg. @Someone: thanks for your reply!

c) when writing the actually question and original details keep it more open, because again if they feel certain users are being addressed then they're likely going to zap you with a violation.


I agree we need to talk back and forth to get the full answer to a question. What if we had another question about a answer that was given, should we start a new question?

I also think that lots of people get flagged by saying to much about themself. For confidentiality.

I have no answer to your other question.

Shhhh...stop talking, before we get in trouble. jk lol


Kalemeny ana !!!

Enty feen ya Gehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
ana hena ya salalem he he heeeeeeeeeeeeeee
estanany ta7t el shebak el sa3a 2 beleel wi mobilat b2a heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


No , but it also shouldn't be in travel :)

This section is for "2bn batoota" chat only not politics vampires questions and amr diab songs loool :) , "that's yahoo opinion" but i don't mind even making parties and birthdays here , lol :)

gtg :)


I Agree With Kalooka But It's Already There And It's "Ranting"

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