it doesn't happen alot but i'll have dreams and only parts of them will come true and the other parts are similar but not the same. i sense things too, bad things, but that might just be instinct. i also write things, sentences, dates and stuff like that, they seem like simple mistakes but then it turns out i end up doing it or not going to school the next day. its sounds dumb i know but i think its a possibility.
Left-T what i can tell from your interests you might be between 24- 30? but like i said i dont know if it works. it might be luck
i cant just find things, i just have senses sometimes.
Mj F2008-05-08T20:05:02Z
Favorite Answer
Could just be 'wishful thinking' in that you do something after you think about doing it. I too have the dreams thing; that is quite common in psychology. Instinct is common and is sometimes called 'going with your gut feeling'. I would guess you are a naturally emotional person likely moreso than most, very sensitive too. Are you artistic, creative and not one who enjoys things like science classes.
I would say just have fun with this for now and if something REALLY BIG happens with it then maybe you are psychic. At this time, I feel you are keeping your creativity very happy with the abstract thinking involved in these things.
I'll bet you would be looking in the future at something in the work world that taps in on your ability to be unique: a unique gift shop; actual artist; etc.
We are all psychic to some extent. When you let your consciousness "go", (this happens to you when you dream or writing and doodling), mind can go forward into the future (some deja vu), or back into the past. Some of your mental trips you recognize when they happen. So, keep a log of them, and try to work out the times you get symbols instead of straight answers. Meditate. Believe in your gift and ask for positive information that can help you or others. Good Luck!
Yeah you have that ability its up to you if you want to really develop your skills more. I have some dreams that come true, but my boyfriend is the king of the dream scape! He has dreams that come true almost to a T! I would recommend you investing in a good dream book and use that to understand more about what you are dreaming. Learn about the dream scape.
It may just be your brain conciously piecing together a "puzzle", if you will, to make it only seem like you can predict the future, but it is just piecing together thoughts and what you see and hear to produce an outcome or solution while you sleep.
Strict testing is the only way to prove that you are. Double blind type is very effective. If you really want to avoid the possibility of self-deception.