How was your Mother's day?

Get anything good?

Joellie H2008-05-12T07:19:45Z

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This is random lol I didnt realise the US mothersday was yesterday, im from the UK and it was on 2nd march!! So i was a little confused when loads of mothers day questions came up !

I got my mum a CD back in march lol


I got to get up with the boys at 6:30 AM while husband slept till 9:45 AM, I got to fix my own breakfast lunch and dinner while husband sat on his butt and watched TV all day, I got to take care of the boys like I do every day even though it was Mother's Day, I did get a card from my boys and my oldest had made me a ceramic dish at school which he gave me on Friday, so that was nice.

But I am thankful for my son's thoughtfulness and caring demeanor in doing his share of things around here and trying to make my day be a nice one. I hope every one else had a great Mother's Day also.

Ted's Mom2008-05-12T14:03:56Z

Excellent! I got the thing I asked for-- a bike trailer to carry my baby and toddler, so that I can start getting exercise and follow my 13-year-old around when she jogs. At first when my husband asked what I wanted I said "a plant", not wanting to ask for too much. Then he said "How about a Wii computer game? (really for him, I have no time to play). I was glad he got something I not only wanted, but that directly related to me being a better Mother. Thanks for asking!!!!


My husband did all the caring for our 2 month old ... oh and for me too since i was sick in bed all day with strep throat

so much for a first mother's day right? lol ... well i still loved being pampered.

Elissa E2008-05-12T18:29:40Z

It's was great...Me and my 8 year old went to see "Speed Racer!" and ate 2 happy meals for dinner. Perfect day!

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