So I have two friends that I happen to like very much and both of them happen to be Aries. I'm on the border line between Taurus and Gemini (birthday May 21st) For some reason I can't seem to....... like...., stop liking them. Could it be that I'm attracted to Aries or maybe its as if it were meant to be? What can you tell me about these signs. Am I compatible?
I have other guy friends too but theres no "chemistry". The others are Leo, Aquarius, Libra and Sagittarius. Am I just over thinking these zodiac signs or could it just be that I really like their personalities?
Favorite Answer
I think you just might be over thinking them. I would go with the chemistry first. However, if you have a strong Gemini influence in your chart; then you are probably impulsive when it comes to the opposite sex.....and you tend to overreact on any flattery you do receive to the point of confusing yourself. When you do find the person that you believe you want to stay with, then I would have a compatibility chart calculated to see if there is substance in the relationship.....
Yup, I continually look to discover those pairings too. yet I additionally trust Worldly Love: all 4 look interchangeable. each now and then that is maximum cancers-Pisces, each now and then, Scorpio-Cap. oftentimes the water signs and indicators & earth signs and indicators get on particularly nicely. yet Caps look the only ones who can click with the two the earth & water signs and indicators exceptionally plenty. i think of that is because of the fact Caps are no longer completely earth. they are 0.5-water (the Mer-Goat...0.5-goat-0.5-fish).