how much should a new, or rebuilt transmission on a 2004 KIA Rio cost?

its a 3 speed with overdrive, with 50k miles on it
and a 1.6 liter 4 cylinder.

the manufacturer wont cover it because he didn't change the trans oil every 30,000 miles like the manual said.

so if you could just throw out a price of what you think it would be that would be great =]


ok we know whats wrong with it just please answer the question

i know where i have to go. all i would like is a price plz, if your not giving the price then i dont wanna know .


Favorite Answer

What's wrong with it?

Have you tried to change it?

Whatever you do, go to an ATRA certified transmission shop, not a tranny store like AAMCO or MrTransmission.