The adds for the pocket hearing aides, are they promoting spying on family and neighbors?

You have seen the adds, woman is at the mailbox hears the neighbors saying how they have not met her but her husband is really nice, or the father finding out what his daughter is getting for Father's Day.


I have no need for one but I just find those cheesy adds intriguing.


Favorite Answer

I also saw those adds and wondered how they legally got away with those ads, it's like promoting spying....but you can just about bet that if it is something that you buy off TV and they only cost a few dollars that they won't work as well as they show on the TV.....remember, everything is a gimmick...bait and catch....


I know! I thought that was a bit odd they added that part in there where the lady was eavesdropping on a conversation. I cannot use them since I am Deaf but even if I could, I wouldn't! That is sort of like putting a tape recorder where I know a person or persons will be standing under then listening to the tape afterwards. Invasion of privacy most definitely but if it is to be used to help boost hearing (for those who still have residual hearing or are hard of hearing.)

not always right2008-05-20T11:50:49Z

I have seen these advertised, at face value they are harmless, but I imagine a lot of gossip is overheard by users.

are you planning to buy one?