Since we are all complaining about the rise in prices in Egypt ...?

do you think there is any practical way to cut back on our wasteful habits and to become better consumers?

What in your opinion are the major areas where waste is at its most in our Egyptian society as a whole and what can we do about it as individuals?


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Nice question:
I started a year ago for other reasons , (but it was good by chance)
1) I am vegetarian now for more than a year, (some fish from time to time) , It is because of age (over 40) , it is healthier, and also very good for the pocket
2)I notice that driving in Egypt is a habit, than a way to transport individuals or goods,,,I started my self a while ago not to drive that much (the price of gas taught me that in Europe)
3) One big problem as Egyptians that we do not recognize : the phone calls, Phones , Mobiles etc are ways to inform , not to chat,, I do very little calls and short ones , TO INFORM
4) The use of power saving Lamps is very popular in Europe and I do that in Egypt,,before people buy electronics here , they ask about the energy consumption before asking about their prices.
4)I like to cook my self,, Going out should not necessary to eat,, eating out is more expensive and less healthy
5) We do not have to buy food by Kilo, can be by pieces , that will keep what we eat fresh , and save the spoiled waste
5) Cooking bigger amounts than necessary food , (thinking it is generosity) and even to leave the rest in the fridge is actually a waste of money, food and (the healthy ingredient in the food)
6)The huge loss in the water consumptions, are really a big loss of the resources.(bathing, washing houses , cars , even streets) we can do all that with 1/4 of the water used by most of us
7)Changing the habits of eating is also important, big quantities of Sugar, pastries , meat, are not healthy , Paying twice , once to eat them, and once to buy medicines to get rid of them (to lose weight) hahahah,, and btw, being fat decreases our ability to work, and earn more
Now : because of Noha (She Reminds Me of the Youth Problems ), I want to add, why we do not teach our school kids to work while in holidays to earn some money, we will be teaching them the value of money, how to depend on themselves , and the responsibilities waiting for them.. and will increase their experience , in learning something useful , for the future, and that will decrease their spending in the café and the street generally , (I myself worked in the kitchen of some hotels in Cairo when i was student , not because we needed, but because it was the first step to learn life..

** One of the things I sow abroad, that there is a lane in all high ways with a higher speed, and this one is only allowed to cars which carry more than one passenger, it is a way to encourage people to travel in groups, not individually so the fuel consumption is down, (reduce cars in the streets),,it is funny also to know if we stick to the lanes of the roads and streets that will lead to less crowd and more discipline , and that means less stops, and less consumption of fuel and time,
@sweet Jane: of course there are both suppliers, and manufacturers of solar panels in Egypt:Arabian Solar Energy and Technology Co as an example ,,
and also made in Egypt by alhyaah alkomya lltasnya3...
(that to turn solar energy to electricity directly,,,)another way is to use the solar energy in heating, like the solar heaters, I myself have that there, completely Egyptian made, by Olympic company , (there are lots of others )/ like 5 years ago,, and it works perfectly with me, and not expensive at all

The Ministry of Common Sense2008-05-20T11:54:48Z

I think the problem lies not only with the consumer, but with the manufacturers. I find that many products in Egypt are "over packaged". I think that if manufacturers find ways to save money on packaging and eliminate some of the unnecessary plastic, and packaging waste - the savings could be passed along to the consumer.

Also, if it is practical for you, try grocery shopping every day and buy only what you will eat and use that day. You will waste less that way.

Sweet Jane2008-05-20T20:03:40Z

There is something that amazes me about Egypt and that is they don't take advantage of all the sun and use solar panel energy, at least for their domestic power needs.
In Australia people were much the same we have a lots of sun but we rely largely on fossil fuels or hydro electricity.
But slowly people are realising that sunlight converted to solar energy is not just a vialble alterative but is much more economical and very environmentally friendly.
Solar energy is cheap,an average home can gain enough power from a set of 3 panels to run all its power needs as well as it has no carbon emissions to pollute our planet even more.
The added bonus is once it is installed then you have no ongoing costs.
I know it is rare to find solar powered homes in Egypt because my cousin lives in Luxor and recently imported panels for their home from Australia because there is no local manufacturer or supplier.


I don't have any wasteful habits:
I eat fool w ta3mya.
I walk to and from work.
I don't smoke.
I don't go out with my friends.
I don't sit at cafes.
I share a DSL connection with 2 other people.
I don't buy clothes alot. I have like 2 or 3 outfits in my closet.
I ask at hundreds of places before I buy anything.
I never buy new cellular phones. Mine has been with me for 4 years, and even when I bought it, it wasn't new.

Hmmmmm, candies....
Ok, I am not cutting down on candies. I love them.


we over spend on food and clothing .
i suggest that we limit our shopping for food to necessities .
we mustn't buy new clothes when our wardrobes are full of all we need .

we also overspend on mobile and phone calls .
these have to be limited .

we have the bad habit of leaving the lights turned on in empty rooms .
we also take our cars and go out aimlessly .
we should have a plan when we go out so as not to use our cars and buy petrol as well as fill the streets when we can save in these areas .

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