Why are democrats so divided? Obama seems to be the shoe in, yet in Kentucky Hillary won by a huge margin.?
When it became clear that McCain would win the supporters of other candidates made it clear that McCain was the winner by not showing up to vote, or voting for McCain, on the other hand Obama has essentially claimed victory, yet Hillary won by an extremely large margin in Kentucky... Does this in fact show that many Democrats are still not willing to accept Obama as the candidate?
I am not saying Americans in general but Republicans ended the republican election by choosing not to vote for the others when it became clear that McCain was going to win, its pretty clear that Obama will win, yet democrats are coming out in large numbers still to support Hillary instead of Obama.
Hey JM wheres your video of black people in South Carolina talking about their racist views? Oh what, you only care about white racists... OK then.
Favorite Answer
Kentucky demographics are more conducive to Hillary.
And Obama only spent a few hours there campaigning and got 1/3 of the votes.
I'd say that's very impressive, all things considered.
And Obama pretty much has clinched the nomination tonight. He's won the majority of the pledged delegates available.
And Kentucky has been a red state for a long, long time. McCain was going to win that state in November any way.
You have to look at the demographics of each candidate's victories... Clinton does well among rural, less-than-college educated, while Obama earns more urban votes, where there is a higher concentration of college educated, middle and upper-middle class voters.
"Does this in fact show that many Democrats are still not willing to accept Obama as the candidate?"
At the risk of sounding preachy... I think it's a matter of which Democrats are willing to do the homework and really scrutinize the records of each candidate. Maybe that's why the superdelegates play such an important role... It's not that the post-secondary crowd is necessarily smarter, but that the SDs will help make the decisions that the "disinterested" or "uninformed" are unable to make.
The DNC really screwed up.. that is what you are seeing. There are people with a lot of money working behind the scenes. And for their own reasons they have pushed Obama before he was ready and now we have a mess. Clinton's supporters know that she is the strongest and best candidate at this time in history. But Obama was being pushed ahead, not necessary by himself but by those behind him. The party and the power brokers with money make the candidate. And now we have a situation where they have pitted a woman against a Black man. Instead of working to get a woman elected first and then a Black man, their supporters are fighting to the death for the one piece of the pie and the Republicans are happy as hell. How could my party be so damn stupid as to get into this mess??
The reason Hillary won is becouse of the fact that Obama didn't show up in the state to campaign nor sell himself to the voters. At the sametime,which was real stupid mistake,Senator Obama made a swipe at Fox News at the fact that the voters watched the news channel for information.I believe that is what worked against Obama here. If one look at polls in Kentucky and West Virginia, race did play a factor.