What is responsible for the coarsening of America? And how to reverse our trend.?

Everywhere one looks, the coarsening continues like a juggernaut. From everyday speech, the liberal use of expletives and references to body parts, the lack of spelling skills, top-grossing movies which have more special effects than good acting, lyrics to today's songs [if they write their own vs. covering something 20- 50 years old], ...and on and on.

Me? I'm a 63 year old white male, Hate-Nixon, Hate-the-War-in-Vietnam, Impeach-them-all liberal who owns guns, votes to the Left, thinks women should run countries and their own bodies, served in the Army '69--'71 veteran with a Master's Degree, retired. So don't give me your political rant as an answer. Please answer with what you feel are sociological phenomenon we must counter.

And yes, when I went to school it was in the snow and uphill -- BOTH WAYS.


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I'm assuming you're referring to our America? Well, I still think we're stuck in the "USA is best" macho state; even with our dwindling "superiority".

We are too willing to accept such things, and pass them as contemporary and modern, rather then impend them as derogatory of us Americans, however, we just let it happen, for the most part.

My idea for a counter would be that everyone to at least understand completely, what is right and what is wrong. What is acceptable etiquette and what not.