Ok ppl...I WANT TO KNOW...?

What is your favorite beer/alchoholic beverage, the CRAZIEST thing (excluding one night stands, that doesn't count *lol*) you've ever done when you were drunk, and DON'T forget to include your sign...Thank you:)

**WARNING** If you are under the age of 21 DO NOT answer the above question or you WILL BE REPORTED FOR UNDERAGE CONSUMPTION OF ALCHOHOL**

*HAHA** lol


*HA HA* I love the pinning a blown up condom to the crotch of your pants story....*lol*...very original (but I feel you cuz I'm an Aquarian too:) Hey, when you get invited to another bachelorette party can I come? *lol*

And the Sag from Canada...I think ur great...I have a problem dancing in various unappropriate places too...and I'd go on but I don't want to get reported either *lol*

As for the Cappie/Aquarian...which are you? And I love all alchoholic beverages too...*hehe*


And Madam II...don't blush *lol* We ALL do it! It's always fun at the time...and you sagittarians love the limelight....** In fact, we're all suckers for attention while under the infuence! That's why it's SO much fun!


Oh, and Melissa E...you are right...I AM weird, but it's great to be me *lol*

Anyone know what the moon is in tonight- cuz I'm in some kind of goofy mood! *lolz*


Favorite Answer

I'm a Gemini and I'm not responsible for what my twin does!!!!!

Tiacola Version 9.02008-05-23T01:55:28Z

I don't really drink that much but when I do I like Hennessy and kahlua. The craziest thing I've ever done while drunk was at my best friend's bachelorette party. The stripper was this old decrepid man so even when I was drunk I didn't want him grinding on me. After he left though, I pinned a blown up condom to the crotch of my pants and danced to Lucky by Britney Spears. Within 5 minutes, everyone else did the same thing and by that point I was jumping on the bed in another room. I can't wait till I go to another bachelorette party :)


Favorite drink - Pina Colada

Craziest thing I've done while intoxicated...last weekend we had a bonfire and me being the daredevil I become while drunk walked through the fire twice. I've also danced randomly in unappropriate places many times.

and I could list many MANY more things but I don't want to be reported lol.

Sign- Sag

The drinking age is 19 here in Canada so I am acctually legal to drink


Beer, long island iced teas, wine white & red, vodka. i love all alcohol hehe.

my craziest would be....one night a friend and i went back to these guys' house and got ever more drunk with them.etc and then got a bit bored but had no way of getting home as no taxis came that far out. it was 6am and we flagged down a newspaper delivery truck did the whole paper run with him and then he dropped us home lol.



fav? well i dont drink but i once had a long island ice tea
and it was alright...the craziest? well i wasnt drunk i was
sort of tipsy and i had a very long convo with the waitress
i was laughing my *** off and yapping away with her lol..
i wouldnt call that crazy but whatever.

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