For BBQ this weekend, burgers, sausage or chicke? And if chicken on or off the bone?


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dang...I'm on weight watchers....none of the above fit into my points schedule...I've already eaten my limit for the month!!! LOL!!!


burgers are easier
but chicken is for the real BBQ masters

i vote chick, off bone


Burgers. Burgers are the defining food for BBQs and since this weekend is the "Summer Kickoff", you should go with the traditional burger.



think_about_ it2008-05-23T13:54:56Z


to be perfectly honest, after watching a show about chickens - I can hardly bring myself to eat it..

50 % of all chicks (the males) are GROUND UP at age day 1... females packed into mass warehouses only after their beaks are cut off.. it gets worse.. I wont go on..
the suffering of these animals is the worst in the food industry and there is no reason for it.. its just sickening.

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