any advice on letting your mom get you an airsoft rifle?

She doesn't like guns but I do and she is scared of guns. My dad will let me but my mom won't


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tell her that air soft guns are completly safe ive been shot in the eye by them lots of times(hurts like hell though) and they want break a window now bb guns on the other hand is a differnt story


A person who is scared of guns is the most dangerous.Anyway most women are naturaly liberal towrads all types of guns, even airsoft guns.The best you can do is ask your dad to talk to her about it.Anyway he is the man of the house so if he says you can get one then go ahead, but be warned hell hath no scorn like a womens fury.Anotherthing to do is try to kiss up and when you ask her if you can have one and she sais no just say ok and be polite and mature.Thats the best way to earn respect.


are you freakin stupid 2nd answerer? getting shot in the eye will put in out forever. you probably use a cheap 5$ gun, get hi end AEGs and you will think differently. get your mom to respect you more. do extra chores. make your own money, show that you do not have to rely on her for your budget