Feeding 8 week old chickens?

My chickens are 8 weeks old now, so I switched them from the chick starter to the layer pellets. Is there anything else they should be getting?

Just Q2008-05-25T12:34:19Z

Favorite Answer

One answer told you to give salt. . . NO DON'T DO THAT! ! !
Birds don't have kidney's and can't deal with salt like mammals do.
When my chicks are 8wks old and ready to go outside in my pen,I put them on Scratch(mixed grains),mixed with Crumbles (for the vitamins/minerals they need during laying season) and Oyster Shell (strengthens the egg shell).
I treat them with diced up veggies and fruits.
During the winter months I feed them some alfalfa hay.
When I am home and can watch over them and protect them from predators I let them out to graze on grass and bugs.(I live on 3.2 acres though they rarely wander very far from the henhouse/pen).
Green vegetation helps to make egg yolks brighter yellow.

Chickens do not need a rooster to start them at laying eggs,they will naturally do this at about 6-8 months old. Only do you need a rooster if you want to fertilize eggs that will be either hatched out by the mother or artificially hatched in an incubator.

Country GIRL2008-05-25T09:22:20Z

Give them the stater feed again till 5 mos old they are sill growing and the laying pellets wont do them any Good till they start to lay which is around 5 to 6 months also lots of fresh water and a closed pen at night the peeps should be kept in a closed pen so other critters wont kill this is all day and night.
Give them grit as well or oyster shell I have to say again the peeps Need growing mash /starter feed. also give small amounts of scratch feed watch to see if they eat if so can give to each day.
Your roos will begin to crow around 4 months if have any.
Are they free range ? If so make sure they go into a coop at night. Raccoons opossums snakes fox coyote are all predators for chickens.
These critters will get them too Ive caught 2 raccoons from my yard(chicken) Ive raised 36 peeps they are 11 months old now and doing great received then a 3 days old and lost 2 t raccoons


Aww I bet they are adorable. I love baby chicks! anyways....the layer pellets would be fine for them. Maybe try giving them a few cut up vegetables. And since it is warm outside, they will start eating a few bugs. If you keep them peened up you might want to get hard grit, calcium (where they can get from grass), and maybe salt. And lots of water!


I would have kept them on the chick starter for a few more weeks.....


They like a couple of goldfish every once in a while.They are so darn cute!