If you are in AA, what do you think is the hardest Step, and why?
Just finished 4th step. Curious to know your experiences.
Just finished 4th step. Curious to know your experiences.
amanda c
Favorite Answer
i am an alcoholic but AA was not for me. they stress religion too much and in my opinion they go about treating an addiction in the wrong way. you DO have power over your addictions and you CAN control yourself. i have not touched a drop in a very long time but it was all me. i gave it up because i HAD to. i love myself and my family enough to make staying the hell away from it my priority. perhaps i am a bit of a control freak but addicts in AA and those who choose not to attend have about the same success rate. i don't like anyone telling me i am powerless and i don't believe in any higher power so it wasn't for me. i DO however agree that admitting it to yourself is the first step and for me it was the hardest. it took me a long time to get there. denial is a powerful thing.
I have never been in AA but have met people who has.
In my opinion every step could be difficult to reach but committing to yourself is what will allow you to carry on and keep looking forward to become a better person for yourself and those around you.
Having given the first step could be the most important and remarkable demonstration that you can make the other steps too. If other strong minds have done it, there is nothing that could stop you from doing it too.
I'd have to say 10, starting the program is hard, living it is much harder, that's why so many people have worked all twelve steps, achieved years or decades of sobriety, and still ended up going back out. That's also why we tell people not to worry about tomorrow, all you really have is today. Peace and Good luck.