What's up with President Bush's appeasement policy - hypocrisy?

• President Bush plans to meet Sudanese President responsible for genocide in Darfur! He has already spoken to or exchanged communications with the Sudanese president who sheltered and still maintains a link with Osama bin Laden!
• “It has at least provoked charges of hypocrisy, because Bush recently accused those (Democrats) advocating talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other radical figures of "appeasement!”
• “President Bush has sent envoys to pursue aggressive diplomacy with North Korea and Libya and have even conducted limited business with Cuba, Syria and Iran.“


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You're calling out the American government for hypocrisy? Thats like calling out a handicapped kid for double dribbling during a basketball game.

Jerry H2008-05-27T07:14:17Z

There's a big picture about the government that few Americans (and foreigners) understand.

Bush picks his enemies. Osama isn't one of them. Bin Laden and Bush family has investment/business ties. And the government admits that Osama wasn't responsible for 9/11 because there's no hard evidence to accuse him of it.


Bush got what he wanted. The Democrats maintained that Iran was not a threat . But when he made that statement the Democrats all wanted to know how he could say that when Iran is a major threat to us. Of course by now they have changed their minds again

The emperor has no clothes2008-05-27T07:12:42Z

Are the Sudanese or North Koreans killing Americans or advocating the death of Americans?

Hmmm...no, I don't think they are.

Funny how such significant details seem to escape the left in their attempts to paint Republicans as being just as irresponsible as they are.


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