who was a great ruler in the ancient times?

what characteristics amde him great? and not just military wise


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Marcus Aureleus, Roman emperor from 161-180 ad. Often considered the last of the so-called 'five good emperors' he was the embodiment of the classic stoic Emperor that had been the goal of the ruling elite since the days of Alexander. His stoic nature allowed him to accept his role as emperor in a dispassionate manner but more importantly stoicism was oen of the first of the old philosophies to advocate any sort of equality, between both slaves and the sexes. His own philisophical musings have managed to survive to the day under the title 'meditations'.


What are ancient times?

Julius Ceasar - Took over and united Rome, ignited 200 years of peace and brought Rome into it's Golden Age

Ceasar Octavian Augustus - Ruled over Rome during it's most prosperous (socially, militarily, and economically). Instilled a strong sense of moral values to the empire.

King Solomon is widely considered to be the greatest ruler of all times. His sense of morality, law, right and wrong, etc.

King David took on the best of the Phillistine army (Goliath the giant) with nothing but a sling and a promise. Solidified the promised land.

Hammurabi - the first king to deliver recorded law to his subjects.

Xerxes - conquered and united an entire world. He had lots of technological and socialogical advancements.

Chris.P N2008-05-27T19:25:08Z

Pericles, leader of Athens 495 – 429 BC. Fostered the arts and education, increased civic spending and built structures still standing TODAY! He gave the Greeks something ot be proud of - Alexander the Great furthered these principles but it must be said that Alexander was a great general never a political leader.


Alexander the Great

BRADLEY G2008-05-27T19:01:17Z

It been a debate of the ages as to whether footius caesar of metreius caesar was more influential. In England, it would be gaulling to side with Metreius.

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