Does not Former White House spokesman Scott McClellan’sbrand OLD theory on Iraq War sound a book-selling ....

gimmick though revealing a dreadful picture of distortion?
• Washington Post carries a story on the subject in its issue today 28 May 2008.
• McClellan claims President Bush had misled America on Iraq but the whole world knows that it was indeed a misled and miscalculated war of personal revenge.
• During his time in office before resigning in 2006, McClellan from the White House press stand had fed the world with fabricated reports of distorted facts justifying the invasion and now his assertions against the war appear to be rather bizarre and betrayal of his former boss.
• McClellan claims top Bush Aides, in early (2002) preparation for the second-term campaign, had carefully orchestrated a strategy to aggressively sell the war.
• The whole world knows Secretary of State Powell while addressing Security Council had presented a bunch of lies on the need for invading Iraq, based on a dossier loosely prepared by the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.


• The facts leading to the unjustified bloody Iraqi war have clearly been distorted but truth will keep coming to limelight, as in this case, as days and years pass!

Sweet n Sour2008-05-28T14:55:42Z

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For him to do this now strikes me as self-serving, disingenuous and unprofessional....he is just trying to make money selling a book. Totally self serving.


true stories always have been great book seller . we all know that McClellan knew more of what he is saying in this book . but this just give the Americans voter conformation to what they already knew about the BUSH ADMINISTRATION i am looking forward to all of them starting with BUSH to have they're day in court for the war crimes they have committed .

quest for truth gal2008-05-28T06:29:09Z

We know all of this already. The interesting part is that McClellan is saying it.

kenny J2008-05-28T06:32:31Z

Scott only wrote what so many have already concluded.
Bush is a corrupt lying whore.


Sour grapes come in all forms, books included!

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