I read a question on here earlier where someone posted a link to a YouTube video of a woman who suffered PPD and PTSD because she had to have a c-section. I can't believe someone was that upset over having to have a c-section.
My question to you is how did you react to your c-section? Was it planned or unplanned? Were you depressed after? Did you feel like you were less of a woman, or a failure as a mother because you didn't deliver vaginally? Did you feel like your doctor robbed you of a natural birthing experience?
Just curious... I had an unplanned c-section for my first pregnancy and it was nothing like I the woman in the YouTube video says hers was. I then went on to have a planned c-section for baby number two, and will be doing the same for baby number three.
If you're interested, here's the link to that question:
Doxiemomma87, I never mentioned anything about how you felt about the woman or her story. But thanks for clearing that up ... I guess.
MS DAHL2008-05-28T07:35:22Z
Favorite Answer
i agree with you one hundred percent i might have to do a c section due to my last baby making me hemorriged to the point where i almost needed a transfusion. i know this is weird but could you answer my question for me thanks i would really appreciate it i asked it like eighteen minutes ago thanks and i hope god blesses you with a healthy baby
I was the one who posted the question that you linked...You got it all wrong here. I did NOT feel bad about her having to have a C section. I was simply implying that it was wrong for the nurses to be so rude to her about the situation. Many people are fine when they have c sections, a lot of them don't mind it at all. C section or vaginal, she is just lucky to have a healthy baby.
I just wanted to clear that up...
To the person who wrote saying how she was pretty much robbed of being able to have a vaginal birth, I understand how you could feel that way. I think that doctors are often too quick to call for a c section. Some women fail to realise that they can go on to have successful VBAC's because once you have had one, the doctors tend to push you in that direction for the second baby. I am sorry that you had to have a C section, I am sure it was dissappointing after wanting a vaginal birth so badly, but atleast you baby is healthy and happy :)
Not me. I was relieved when the doctor told me my pelvic bone was too little and I would more than likely have complications with a natural child birth. I remember going to my first and LAST lamaze class and walking out saying that I would want a C-Section. I don't feel any less of a woman for doing it and I wouldn't choose any other way. This was 11 years ago and I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant and my doctor already told me that it's going to be a scheduled c-seccion. I will always recommend a c-section to whoever asks my opinion. Besides...having a c-section does not cause streching down there so you will always be tight. I know many women & their spouse complain that sex is never the same after a natural delivery and are always looking for creams to tighten. Good luck.
I don't think that the effects came from the C-section, it was from the epidural, which is pushed as being safe. It isn't, it is stuck where the nerves can be pierced leading to psychosis in women later on. I went through a C-section and though I didn't have PPD, it was a horrible experience and since I am an all natural, feel like I failed in giving birth. Although had I been as strong then as I am now, I would have told those doctors to use the scalpels on themselves instead of me. Yes, I felt like a failure and today, 5 years later carry a scar that looks like someone knifed me on a street corner because doctor's know best. They cut me in the middle of my pubic hair, not just at the line like most people and yanked my baby back out of the canal for MONEY, because I was double insured. I was a failure, but so were they. I don't believe in suing except for extreme causes, but would have if I could have gotten their licenses revoked.
I had an unplanned C-section with my first, and after being in labor (with back labor!) it was actually a relief to have it done. I did not feel like a failure at all. I will have a planned C-section in 1 1/2 months with my second. I do wish I could have had a natural birth, but it was done for the health of the baby who was stressing.