Who do you think responds to peer pressure more - boys or girls?
Or both?
In your opinion which gender is more easily manipulated by peer pressure?
Or both?
In your opinion which gender is more easily manipulated by peer pressure?
Favorite Answer
I think they respond to it equally but in different ways. With girls, it tends to be about body image and socialization, with boys it tends to be about risk taking and choices in activities.
Libertad V
Well, I don't say is a "manipulating" thing, which humans responds at. You have to agree with a minimal of rules on a society if you want to belong, however, some of that rules opress the free choice, and is not that persons are manipulated but they feel compulsed to lead the life society says. I think both genders suffers social pression in different ways.
PEOPLE vary with respect to how much they respond to peer pressure, and individuals vary as to this over the course of their lives (we're usually more easily manipulated in our younger years, and grow some sense with age).
I doubt this is something that varies significantly between the sexes.
Jessica Ann.
Prolly guys.
Because if they don't do something
they get mocked for a while.
If a girl doesn't choose to do something
or give into peer pressure
more people understand it.
Prolly both, but I say guys more.