Why is America "spreading democracy" when we're a Republic?


A democracy is majority rule...the minority is disregarded. In a republic everyone has rights and has a voice.


Thank you RKO...Great answer! I was going to ask "Were we attacked on 9/11 for our freedom... or our fascism?" but decided on this tamer question!!


Favorite Answer

When Bush unconstitutionally, illegally and immorally attacked another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States, he didn't do it to 'spread democracy'.
He lied to Congress, duped the American public and conned American soldiers into believing we have an honorable cause for the invasion of Iraq.
This nation is a democratic republic. A true democracy would be a nation governed by the people. One vote would equal one vote (instead of such nonesense as 'super delegates'). Some people claim true democracy results in 'mob rule'. With today's technology, democracy is not only possible, it's the very best kind of governance.
Gullible Americans believe our leaders are "spreading democracy" when, in fact, we're spreading fascism, which is control of government by private parties, special interest groups or corporations. Research what Franklin D. Roosevelt has to say about fascism in America and see for yourself what our nation has become.
-RKO- 05/31/08


Republic simply means we elect representatives to be our voice and have the power of decision. Enough of those representatives agreed with the policies of "spreading democracy."


No one is spreading democracy. The US is trying to spread freedom, including freedom of choice of government and leaders.


Because it sounds good.
Personally, I think we should lead by example, not force it down anyone's throat. Unfortuneately, we aren't a good example any more.

Lord Byron Rules !2008-05-31T23:06:27Z

vote republican !

a vote for Obama is a vote for Osama !