Who likes to drink Bush Beer?


Sorry for the misspelling.

I drink it because I can't afford to drink 9 dollar 6 packs of microbrews.

Josh G2008-06-02T21:04:45Z

Favorite Answer

I used to drink it all of the time with my old roommate, it's all we'd buy. We'd go through about a case of light a day. Glad I got out of that habit.


I knew Billy Carter had his Billy Beer. Are you telling us that Neal Bush has his own beer now?
That's one way to compete against your brothers in the Oval Office.
I tried Busch Beer years ago and I can't remember if I liked it. Do you?


The Germans - I hear they're into all those naughty things involving urine.


isn't it busch?
and it tastes like sh*t