Why is the democratic party known as the party of the less educated???


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because its true, go to the poorest part of a city and they will be all democrats, and poor people are less educated (obviously), also because most democrats dont understand politics, they like it when the government taxes them to death, i dont know why?


In response to the ignorant lady that copied and pasted some things about college professors voting primarily Democratic? Well Duh! We all know that. Drink the media koolaid much? College professors don't make up a huge portion of the democratic party. How about asking all the highly educated corporate CEO's, CFO's and COO's what party they lean toward? I'd bet you'd get a lot of them voting Conservative. Most of the one's I know definitely do. So why do they always ask just college professors and not the aforementioned I just listed? That should be pretty obvious to anyone with a brain.
One thing they never mention about the people with PHD's or graduate degree's that vote Democratic is this. What field are they in? Most of them will be in some type of educational field. Ever heard of teachers unions? Don't teachers unions LOBBY for the Democratic party? Nuff said there.
As far as the red states having lower levels of education? We can thank our wonderful inner city minority groups for that. And guess who they would vote for IF they voted? Democrats. The ones that do vote ALWAYS vote Democratic, although, it is well known that in the state of Georgia, where I live, minorities still only account for about 12% to 15% of the vote. It could be higher, and Georgia would be a blue state if more of them voted, but alas, they do not. Yet they have the lowest levels of education of any demographic. It's all relative. Just because you have a red state, and that state is listed as having less so called "educated people", it's not a party issue, it only means that more Republicans voted than did Democrats. It is no accurate measure of who has what education level, that's for sure.

For my final word I'll say this.
I've known quite a few "educated people". They were very smart in their fields. But take them out of their field and it's like the blind leading the blind. Many of them have absolutely no common sense whatsoever.
Having a piece of paper telling you that you are a graduate of a university, doesn't necessarily make one a smart individual.


The educational level of Mainstream America is increasing. However many citizens have less than a high school education. Media programming generally targets eighth grade level comprehension.

This is a generic phenomenon. Both Democrat and Republican parties have their fair share of more and less educational membership. Most people are the product of public school education based upon the factory model. There is no Democrat or Republican version.


Really? Last I heard Republicans were claiming Democrats to be the party of out-of-touch elitist academic liberals.

But here are a few facts:

70% of all higher-education academic faculty members reported having voted Democrat in the 96, 00, and 04 elections

Of those with a graduate degree or higher, the majority also reported having voted Democrat is the same elections

The most heavily Democratic or "Blue" states also correspond with the nations list of "smartest" or most educated states

So you tell me who's the party of the less-educated, genius.

BTW- LMAO at "RubyUnicorn" ranting about Democrats being uneducated when she can't even manage 3rd-grade level grammar and punctuation! Thanks for proving my point, honey.


Appalachian American/ Pinocchio look out that nose is growing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. You don't net 100 grand, you gross 100 grand. You would have to be independent or leased onto a company to have that number. That would be a lazy driver's numbers. A hard runner would be around 160 to 200 grand and even at those numbers after taxes, fuel, heavy road usage tax, insurance, maintenance, permits, plates, road expense, tolls and all the other BS truckers pay out your net comes no where close. you might fool some not all and a lease/rent a rip off piece of junk driver or company driver will only see numbers like that on a bill board! nice try. Answer to the question. The Republican Party has a long history with racism, unknown to many Americans high ranking klan members use to fill the ranks in the White House, senate, house, governors offices and all the way down to local government. Today you still have many racist politicians within the republican party mostly from southern states. Because of this you still have a lot of die hard racist who cling to the republican party and pass the belief to their children. Most these people are uneducated and poor living off of government aid and sit at home watching Fox news all day "BRAIN WASH". Most intelligent people see threw the smoke screen of the republican party. In most cases you will find the intelligent side of America goes on to attend college.

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