Is this photo REAL??? what do you think?
so i was sent this email about a story and it had this photo in it and i'm trying to figure out if it's real or not. i'm terribly happy to hear peoples' opinion, because usually they're very entertaining, but i am looking for someone with legitimate knowledge to tell me. i am looking for someone to tell me "yea" or "nay" and PROOF to document their opinion. otherwise stare in wonder, my friends. because it is possible.
here's the photo:
and of course, i've been asking everyone and i've encountered a disbeliever at work, cause i think it could be real, and we're in a friendly debate over it and he emailed me this picture to prove that mine was a fake:
but i told him not only do sharks have to keep moving in order to physically push water through their lungs, which would make it bigger, but it could be a female, which are bigger
it looks, to me, as if there are bubbles coming from the female divers snorkel but the male diver doesn't appear to be using a snorkel, so no bubbles