Looking for ideas on where to keep my insulin pump if my insertion site is on my upper arm.?


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Well you could create and or find a carry case that goes around your arm like they have for IPOD's. Or you could sew a pocket inside the inner lining of your shirts and feed the line up the sleeve and down under the shirt where the pocket is. Most likely you would want it to sit kind of along the seam on the side of your shirt about 8 inches or so below your armpit so that it doesn't cause the shirt to sag. Also that would leave enough extra line so that you can freely move your arm.

My husband's insertion site is in the side of his abdomen and i sew pockets into his boxer briefs just near the bottom of one of the boxer-brief legs... kind of in the inner thigh area, but enough forward so that it doesn't bother his walking. He can easily push the buttons through his jeans and no one even knows that he has one on. Plus the line is long enough so that it doesn't interfere with going to the restroom. His dad also does it that way.

They both tried wearing a belt that came with it (think it was meant to wear under your clothes), but it was really annoying and uncomfortable.

Kassie Leann2008-06-05T21:02:55Z

Hey! The other day I did a site change and I put in in my arm for the first time!

I use the 23 inch long tubing (which I think is the shortest one they make) and I just clip my pump to my waistband or front pants pocket like I would if my site was in my tummy.

What I do is tread the tubing under my shirt and out through the arm hole, where I connect it to my infusion set. Be sure that when you put the set in, you put it in to where the tubing is pointing up your arm, towards your shoulder and away from the elbow.

Hope this helps!


In the past, when I used my arm as an infusion site, I threaded the tubing to my bra, and clipped it there. Obviously this only works if you are a woman!
I have also put it in an inside pocket on my jacket.


Not sure if you're male or female. If female, tuck it into your bra or clip onto the area between the bra cups. If you're a guy, get the longer tubing (48"?) and clip it to your waistband.


Feed the tubing through your shirt and hook it on your pants. You will probably want to get the longer tubing if you do that, though. I have found that you have a better chance of ripping it out like that when you go to the bathroom so idk