Does anyone know what the cost of living is like in Key West, FL?
I may be moving there for a good paying job. However, I would like to know how expensive things are around there. Thanks in advance.
I may be moving there for a good paying job. However, I would like to know how expensive things are around there. Thanks in advance.
Favorite Answer
it depends where u live they have houses - those that are near the ocean and on the ocean that are really expensive- then they have ordinary houses which range anywhere from the 200s and up- just put it this way its not cheap. the cheapest part is where all the bums hang out
I stay in Miami FL and key west is particularly a lot an same as right here. there is sweet elements and there is desolate parts. With the prices of homes droppin now adays that's no longer that expensive. i do not understand your residing style yet i'd ought to assert a house would pass for like one hundred fifty-300k and residing expenditures are like 13k- infinity.