Why does everyone pack their cigs before they open them to smoke them?

I know I do it, I guess I've done it since I started smoking. I just wonder why.

Sim - plicimus2008-06-05T19:22:51Z

Favorite Answer

This is based on the fact that, years ago, when filtered cigarettes first became popular, you sometimes got loose tobacco in your cigarette. Packing them was an effective way to avoid flaming bits of tobacco on your crotch.


Only teenagers do this because some other kid told them they need to. Being seen doing this is a sure sign that somebody hasn't been smoking very long.


So that the tobacco packs tight and the cigarette smokes slower therefore lasting longer.


Isn't that mad? You have a habit that you've probably picked up from watching other people pack there cigarettes. lol you shouldn't do it next time and see if the cigerette is any different.