What are some ways to......?

get pregnant beside the obvious? I mean like drugs or supplements that you can take to help you along?


This is for a friend !


She was on the Depo shot for about 5 years and is trying now! So anything would help!

Mr & Mrs G2008-06-05T23:48:48Z

Favorite Answer

Start prenatal vitamins, thats first. I was taking a supplement called vitex chaste tree from vitamin world when I finally got pregnant after over 3 years of trying.

Swe@ty b@lls2008-06-06T00:30:52Z

get on birth control...take ur pills religiously for months and then abruptly just stop... midway through the month... and while all this is going on have sex like always...

the sudden abruption will send ur body in chaos. wont know if to ovulate or not.. most likely than so.. its how i got pregnant. i used to read that ur most fertile this way and i kinda put two n two together.. worked for me immediately.

chantal c2008-06-05T23:53:26Z

i would say count fifteen days from your period thats when you should be ovalating and that should work are just tell yourself you cant get pregnant cause if you stress to much about it then your body wont let you


lots of fruit and maybe some yoga to relax.


eat good fresh fruit and veg and look after her self and no stress

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