If you ask a question about atheism, why does Yahoo want it put it in religion?

Shouldn't it be somewhere else, since it is the absence of religion? That is like asking a question about Yahoo and putting it in a Google category!

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those crazy christians over in r&s ask this everyday...but if youre going to be talking about religion, atheism is involved, since you can't define it without using the word religion.


Probably because there is no "Lack of Religion" section. And sometimes questions about Atheism do have to do with religion.


you can choose where you want to place the question. but that is odd, since atheism isn't a religion at all.....

celtic tart2008-06-06T17:29:03Z

The choice of yahoo is a suggested choice.
click 'browse choices' and put it in any
category you like.


even tho athiests say that they dont have any religion, its technically a form of religion- i mean ya know like christians beleive that jesus died on the cross for them and catholics believe that mary did or something like that-im not catholic...but athiests believe no one died for them and that the world created itself- i think they belive that trees had something to do with the creation of people....i think-IDK

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